Data Specialist
Bruno Luiz Mendes
About Me
I am a peaceful person, determined to achieve my goals, always taking advantage of the journey to this and the relationships built, I really like to solve complex things, maybe it's because I've heard a few times in my life that I wouldn't be able to, so it motivates me sometimes.
- Age 25
- Residence Brazil
- Office Address Anywhere
- e-mail mendesbruno@outlook.com
- Phone +55 11 94129 3048
What I Do
Fun Facts
Happy Clients
08Working Hours
15841Awards Won
2023 (studyng)
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyData Science and Statistics
Online Master of data science, statistics, and machine learning
2020 (completed)
Universidade São Judas TadeuBachelor of Computer Engineering
The focus is to prepare the student to produce new machines and computer equipment used in different sectors, according to the needs of the market, in addition to planning, implementing computer networks and their components, and acting in the development of software.
2021 - Current
ZapayData Leader
Responsible for leading and developing the data team, in addition, developing strategies for data monetization, either with algorithms or micro products.
2020 - 2021
Cia HeringSenior Data Scientist
⦿ Identifying relevant data sources for business needs.
⦿ Collecting structured and unstructured data.
⦿ Organising data in to usable formats.
⦿ Building predictive, classificatory and descriptive models.
⦿ Building machine learning algorithms.
2020 - 2020
StoodiSenior Data Analytics
⦿ Responsible for starting the DBM and Customer Analyzes area, structuring crm processes;
⦿ Develop analytical studies using data analysis in python;
⦿ Lead scoring model development with python and sql programming.
⦿ Implementation of salesforce's cloud marketing.
2017 - 2020
MarketdataData Analyst
I was responsible for articulating all the data load management and maintenance of elt systems, in addition, customer segmentation for marketing campaigns as part of my daily life.
Soft Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Decision Making
Time Management
Coding Skills
Data Skills
Machine Learning
Data Vizualization
Data Wrangling | ETL | Pipelines
AWS Skills
RDS, DynamoDB, Athena
Glue and DMS
SageMaker and Lambda
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Artificial intelligence
- Data Munging
- Time Management
- Communication
- Problem-Solving
- Social Networking
- Flexibility
- Big Data
- Mathematics
- SaaS
- Unstructured Data
- Statistics
- Business
- Google Analytics
- Cloud

Psyhology of Intertnation Design